Publication of the butterfish landings report is suspended until
total butterfish landings reach 75% of the possession limit trigger
threshold (75% x 19,497,659 = 14,623,244 lbs)
Vessels issued butterfish moratorium permits are allowed to land
unlimited amounts of butterfish if using mesh greater than or equal to 3
inches. Once landings reach 8,844 mt (19,497,659 lb), these vessels will
be limited to a 5,000-lb trip limit. The 8,844 mt limit = 9,844 mt
(DAH), minus a 1,000 mt buffer for management uncertainty.
Vessels issued a squid moratorium permit fishing with mesh less than
3 inches are prohibited from landing more than 5,000 lb of butterfish
per trip.
When NMFS projects that the butterfish catch has reached the
butterfish DAH, as determined in the annual specifications, NMFS will
implement a 600 lb (272 kg) possession limit for all vessels with
relevant permits.